2006年8月31日 星期四

Xi Yan

Xi Yan -- 普通話拼音, 即係"囍宴"...

話說琴日date od舊同事ladies nite, 有女友提議去灣仔星街食dinner, 雖然响d magazines 睇過有關o個度d restaurants 嘅介紹, 但係從來都無motivationbor (情況就好似中環嘅 Soho一樣, 印象中好似只係去過一次, 仲要係食lunch jar wor, 可能成日覺得呢地方通常都要好貴, 但係又食唔飽, 又驚唔識叫 d推介食品或者驚住唔識睇d menu, 尤其是od法文or意大利文....種種心理因素之下就攪到我好少去呢d地方食飯), 不過既然有人提出, 成班女, 當然無所謂, o下新嘢啦


Well,  my comments of this restaurant are as follow :-


份量一般 (but for 女仔就ok lar)

ok, o地叫o左一碟前菜 (係仁棯, 之前亞蘇都教過, 不過就唔同做法, umm...I think 亞蘇 o個個會好味d
), 3
, 1 担担noodles 同埋2 甜品 (d 甜品都幾精緻&
) ,
$105 jar

& 環境都ok

, nice又唔笑, 態度 ma ma

, 而且o個度有間 agnis b  wor (地點: 灣仔永豐街8號地下一鋪, PP3 後面.  Tel: 2833 6299)


講開囍宴, 今年已經知道要做8單人情

, 年頭3, 9月一單, 10月一單, 123雖然佢obig-day我緊開心, 但係一諗起我呢個窮學生要做人情, 又要買飲衫”, set (或者電髲), 仲要買d skin care & make up products…諗起d $$

(好秘密 nie
), 但
, 但係我識得od single & available guys
努力建立你o地嘅 relationship 呀

, 當然又有傾o下囍宴呢個話題啦…...sigh, 有時我會諗究竟攪一個 simple wedding (say 旅行結婚) 好還是攪一個 grand & memorable wedding (but will burn all your saving at one nite)
當然又係去番 $$ 呢個問題啦……

$$ ...... 一個令我既愛又恨而自己又無既嘢

2006年8月30日 星期三

Summer Term Grade

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah  

好開心呀, 啱啱上網 check o左 result...... A-

起初 expect 最好都應該只得B+, 因為亞Sir話唔拉curve, 所以俾mean grade (but 保證會合格law).  不過我o地真係好有heart去做, o個 report仲係我担大旗 tim, 今次付出同成果係正比, 好開心

我 d groupmates 仲 ar, 因為佢o地第一次攞A 

......但係我又開始為來緊嘅 Sem A 同 Sem B 擔憂 因為來緊主要讀 banking core courses, 同埋收o左風話讀o個4科有3科都難, d course work 會做到人都癲 好驚呀, 好驚handle 唔到, 好驚keep唔到 d 成績, 我好有壓力呀

2006年8月29日 星期二

Pure Yoga

上禮拜六女友 refer o左我去上 Pure Yoga Beginner's Workshop

其實之前都有响Physical & 舊公司攪嘅Yoga Training Course 上過 Yoga, 今次同以前學od posts 都差唔多; 不過呢個 Beginner Course 最特別就係有約一小時講解Yoga theory, 而且仲有2個老外 experienced teachers 一齊教喎
其中一個老外, 女友話佢上過15/16 demo)……因為我覺得呢dBB, 就算搵d比較 junior teachers 教都 ok ar……


但諗深一層, 價錢同service成正比嘅……我上od Physical < $200 一個月, 有機做又有跳舞班同埋桑拿; 呢到主攻Yoga, $500一個月 bor, 當然要sell professional d gie


都好呀, o左呢個workshop 今我對Yogao左了解
yoga可以拉o下筋, good for our body shape & health, 但係原來仲有好深嘅層次, d levels 唔係做 pose, 而係要讀書嫁
個日佢派o左份notes俾我o, 响呢到同大家分享 dd ar:

What’s the meaning of Yoga?

Yoga comes from an Ancient Indian Language (Sanskrit) word “Yug” which means Union, Union of the Self and the Supreme, Consciousness and the Super-consciousness, body and mind, breath and movement.

What’s the History of Yoga?

Yoga is an Ancient Air and has traces of existence from 3000BC.  It has been transferred from teacher to disciple.  It’s also written in ancient Indian scripts such as the Vedas and Upanishads.

What’s Yoga?

Yoga is a life style to train and discipline the body and the mind and attain a mastery over it.  It is designed especially for spiritual enlightenment.

What’s Raja Yoga?

Raja Yoga is the path of systematic analysis and control of mind.  It can be divided into eight limbs (parts)

1. Yama è restraints (or moral codes)

2. Niyama è observances (e.g. purity, worship of the Lord…)

3. Asana è steady pose through physical exercise

4. Pranayama è control of the vital energy through breathing exercise

5. Prathyahara è withdrawal of the senses from the external world

6. Dharana è concentration

7. Dhayana è meditation

8. Samadhi è super-conscious state

 (P.S. 原來一般上堂學都係 3 & 4 only)

Why should we practice Yoga?  What are its benefits?

The practice of yoga asana, pranayama, and meditation has therapeutic values against physical ailments such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, etc. and mental problems such as stress, insomnia, depression etc.  Regular practice of Yoga can help to maintain and regulate the hormones of the body to enable all the internal organs to function properly and also increase immunity.  Strengthens the muscles and bones, tones the body and increases the core strength; improves memory and concentration; stimulates positive thinking, confidence, peacefulness and happiness.

2006年8月28日 星期一


Happy Friday, o左舊同事dinner gathering + 玩澄澄

o左條型仔Hip Hop 褲仔俾佢 (already for 3 mths), 今次可以送俾佢啦 lu

, 但係佢怜悟力其高, 又多動作, 又多表情, 又識matching, 佢好乖ar, 曉得玩完d o野自動自覺擺番好佢
 so cute

其實唔係ar, 正確講法應該係戀B辟 因為我唔鍾意同over 3-year-old 嘅小朋友玩ar......I just like to play with bb幾變態