you drive manual or automatic car? Automatic is easy to pass.[版主回覆12/04/2012 18:11:44]Hehe.....of coz automatic la, coz i'm stuipd pig on direction
好媽咪預先祝你一TAKE PASS先 hehe[版主回覆12/04/2012 18:10:51]希望啦~
預祝你考試成功呢.我都要的起心肝考考佢了.拖左10年喇, wakaka![版主回覆12/10/2012 18:58:07]多謝你.........希望啦~
you drive manual or automatic car? Automatic is easy to pass.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/04/2012 18:11:44]Hehe.....of coz automatic la, coz i'm stuipd pig on direction
回覆刪除預先祝你一TAKE PASS先 hehe
[版主回覆12/04/2012 18:10:51]希望啦~
拖左10年喇, wakaka!
[版主回覆12/10/2012 18:58:07]多謝你.........希望啦~