但諗深一層, 價錢同service成正比嘅……我上o個d Physical < $200 一個月, 有機做又有跳舞班同埋桑拿; 呢到主攻Yoga, 要 $500一個月 bor, 當然要sell professional d gie
What’s the meaning of Yoga?
Yoga comes from an Ancient Indian Language (Sanskrit) word “Yug” which means Union, Union of the Self and the Supreme, Consciousness and the Super-consciousness, body and mind, breath and movement.
What’s the History of Yoga?
Yoga is an Ancient Air and has traces of existence from 3000BC. It has been transferred from teacher to disciple. It’s also written in ancient Indian scripts such as the Vedas and Upanishads.
What’s Yoga?
Yoga is a life style to train and discipline the body and the mind and attain a mastery over it. It is designed especially for spiritual enlightenment.
What’s Raja Yoga?
Raja Yoga is the path of systematic analysis and control of mind. It can be divided into eight limbs (parts)
1. Yama è restraints (or moral codes)
2. Niyama è observances (e.g. purity, worship of the Lord…)
3. Asana è steady pose through physical exercise
4. Pranayama è control of the vital energy through breathing exercise
5. Prathyahara è withdrawal of the senses from the external world
6. Dharana è concentration
7. Dhayana è meditation
8. Samadhi è super-conscious state
(P.S. 原來一般上堂學都係 3 & 4 only)
Why should we practice Yoga? What are its benefits?
The practice of yoga asana, pranayama, and meditation has therapeutic values against physical ailments such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, etc. and mental problems such as stress, insomnia, depression etc. Regular practice of Yoga can help to maintain and regulate the hormones of the body to enable all the internal organs to function properly and also increase immunity. Strengthens the muscles and bones, tones the body and increases the core strength; improves memory and concentration; stimulates positive thinking, confidence, peacefulness and happiness.